Visibility matters

Visibility in the context of development aid partnerships: requirements, trends and good practice.

Resource centre

Find visibility manuals and logo guidelines issued by governments, foundations and other aid partners.

In focus

SDG Guide 365

SDGs logo use

United Nations guidelines for use of the logo, colour wheel and 17 icons for the Sustainable Development Goals.

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Publicity and Visibility Guidelines for Bulgarian Development Aid issued by Bulgaria's Foreign Affairs Ministry.

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Visibility basics for aid partnerships

Three main considerations:

  1. Know who your partners are
  2. Understand their expectations
  3. Work together to achieve appropriate visibility

Does your partnership initiative involve a conflict zone or other fragile setting? If so, special considerations apply.

Why it pays to single out your aid partners

General public acknowledgement of partners is common. This makes sense in some contexts. However, in today’s crowded operating environment, generic recognition of your partners is often insufficient.


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